Audioguiarte has a content, audio and multimedia production department, where all projects are conceived and coordinated. Our team of art historians, cultural managers, educators, and experts in multimedia communications is committed to improving the visitor experience in museums, encouraging active participation, and strengthening ties to art and culture.
Content is the foundation for all our projects. Audioguiarte has a team of scriptwriters, who are historians specializing in education, accessibility and cultural outreach strategies, ranging from independent professionals to curators at important institutions. Research, high standards and imagination guide us through each creative process.
Our network includes prestigious translation agencies specializing in artistic and cultural content in any language, as well as native speakers and the highest quality recording studios, who are attuned to the humanities and wholly dedicated to each project.
Each project begins by defining the complementary resources strategy that is the best fit for each context, and is consistently coherent and balanced. Multimedia content is selected to complement audio elements athrough the careful curation of images, videos, sound resources, music, and the integration of interactive maps, gamification, and alternative content access systems (image recognition, QR code readers and beacons).
In addition to serving the general public, we create targeted resources for children by focusing on family visits, and we develop accessible content for people with different hearing, visual or cognitive abilities.
Our main objective is to convey the significance and the message of art collections and cultural heritage sites to all visitors, while keeping in mind a wide range of interests and the particularities of a diverse audience.