Audioguiarte is dedicated to the study and analysis of the digitalization of the cultural sector, and how this relates to innovation (which must always be linked to relevance and quality) in technological media. All projects are rooted in a deep understanding of proposed techniques and strategies, thanks to the study of successful models, and implementation processes that are examples of best practices across the digital divide.
The use of new technologies allows for an interactive cultural experience and multidirectional communications. These technologies have modified the behavior of museum visitors, who have shifted from being mere observers to being more active and participatory.
We have a team of professionals who are focused on combining technology, high standards and emotional engagement.These professionals are specialized in such areas as technological consulting, the development and programming of digital resources and products, mobile and web applications, the incorporation of mixed realities (augmented, virtual, extended), data monitoring and digital security, among others.
A full complement of digital development experts working hand in hand with the production department to achieve the defined objectives, the needs expressed by visitors through feedback, the challenges of each institution, and the conclusions reflected in the reports published by public museum observatories.
Production and technology come together in digital development projects, not only when it comes to the conceptualization and development of applications and multimedia resources, but also everything related to innovation in the experience of a cultural visit, thus enriching the work process and the end result.